Watch the following video!
A. Pengertian Agreement and Disagreement
Agreement and Disagreement adalah suatu ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan Setuju (Agree) atau Tidak Setuju (Disagree) tentang suatu hal, dan bagaimana cara kita menanggapi suatu pernyataan dari seseorang. Dalam Bahasa Inggris ada beberapa cara atau ungkapan yang bisa gunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju. Dibawah ini beberapa ungkapan (Expression) setuju dan tidak setuju yang bisa kalian gunakan.
B. Contoh Ungkapan (expressions) Agreement and Disagreement
1. Agreement
- I agree with your Idea. (Saya setuju dengan ide kamu)
- I perfectly agree with you. (Saya sangat setuju denganmu)
- I think so. (Saya setuju)
- I think you are right. (Menurutku kamu benar)
- It’s that true. I support you. (itu benar. Saya mendukungmu)
- It’s brilliant idea. I agree with you. (itu ide yang cemerlang. Saya sependapat denganmu)
- I anxious with what you said, but I like it. (Saya penasaran dengan apa yang kamu katakana, tapi aku suka itu.)
- Certainly! Your point is good. (betul. Ide kamu bagus.)
2. Disagreement
- I disagree with your opinion. (Saya tidak setuju dengan pendapatmu)
- I don’t agree with you. (Saya tidak setuju denganmu)
- I don’t think so. (Saya tidak sepemikiran denganmu)
- I’am not with you. (saya tidak sepaham denganmu)
- I’m sorry. I think you are wrong. (Saya minta maaf. Tapi menurut saya kamu salah)
- Maybe, there is ways better. (Mungkin ada ide yang lebih baik.)
- I don’t think so about it. (Saya tidak sepaham tentang hal itu)
- I agree with your opinion, but… (Saya setuju dengan pendapat kamu, tapi….)
- In my opinion it’s false. (Menurut pendapat saya itu salah)
- I’m not sure with his idea. (saya kurang yakin dengan pendapatnya)
C. Contoh Dialog Agreement & Disagreement
Lina : I don't feel well. I'm catching a cold.
Udin : You should go to the doctor.
Beni : I don't think that's a good idea. Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Lina.
Siti : I agree with Udin. You should go to the doctor, Lina. You look very pale. I think you need to take medicine.
Edo : I don't agree with you, Siti. Too much medicine is not good. Lina, just take a rest, drink a lot of water, and eat only healthy food.
Dayu : I think the best to do is go home, Lina. Your mom and dad know better what you should do.
1. Resti: Chocolate is the most delicious snack in the world, isn’t it?
Dina: …. Because I have an allergy to cocoa.
Resti: For real?
Dina: Yes
A. I have no doubt about it
B. I’m sorry I have to disagree
C. That’s exactly what I think
D. I agree with you.
2. Aidil: When we were a kid, the technology was not sophisticated. I didn’t even have any gadget but I think we’re happy.
Anif: …. if I could turn back the time I would go back to the time when we’re kid.
A. I’m afraid I have my own opinion
B. That’s exactly what I think
C. surely not, I can’t agree with that
D. I’m not sure about that.
3. Wira: Let’s have a vacation next week. Going to the beach would be fun.
Joni: Wait a minute. Are we going to go to the beach next week?
Wira: Yes, why?
Joni: …. The government just announced lock-down starting next week due to current situation.
A. You are right, but don’t forget
B. I’m not sure about that because
C. I couldn’t agree more
D. I understand your point, but in my opinion.
4. Rio: Just because we don’t smoke, it doesn’t mean we’re free from the dangerous of the smoke itself. Sometimes smokers just smoke near us without caring there’s someone else who doesn’t smoke
Fardan: …. Smokers don’t care about someone else’s health. They are selfish.
A. I agree
B. I disagree
C. I think you are wrong
D. That’s not true.
5. The following are the expressions of agreement, except:
A. Absolutely!
B. Exactly!
C. No way!
D. You got a point
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