A. Alphabet
B. Pengejaan Nama Seseorang
Setelah melihat video diatas, pahamilah yang berikut ini!
How do you spell your name? (Bagaimana ejaan namamu?)
How do you spell these words?
- Syahwa Nabila
- Akbar Maulana
- Susi Susanti
- Muhammad Fardan
- Wahyu Santoso
1. How do you spell “chalk?”............................................................
2. How do you spell “sharpener?”.....................................................
3. How do you spell “school?”...........................................................
4. How do you spell “white board?”……..………………………….
5. How do you spell “library?”…………………………………….….
6. How do you spell “chair?”………..…………………….….………
7. How do you spell “office?”………………………………...............
8. How do you spell “classroom?”……………………………………
9. How do you spell “ruler?”….…….………………………………..
10. How do you spell “eraser?”……………………………………….
Read the dialogues and study how to spell a name!
1. Mr. Andi : Can you spell your name, Fitri?
Fitri : Yes, I can. F-I-T-R-I
Mr. Andi : What about you , Lisa?
Lisa : Right ,Sir L-I-S-A
Mr. Andi : That’s good, girls.
Fitri and Lisa : Thank you, Sir.
2. Mrs. Rina : Edo, can you spell your name?
Edo : Of course, E-D-O
Mrs. Rina : Good. Andi , how about you?
Andi : A-N-D-I
Mrs. Rina : Good, Andi
Andi : Thank you, Ma’am.
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