Friday, July 23, 2021



Watch the video below๐Ÿ‘‡


Greetings merupakan sebuah ungkapan yang biasanya digunakan oleh seseorang untuk melakukan tegur sapa atau salam dengan orang lain. Tegur sapa merupakan kegiatan yang sudah sangat lazim kita lakukan, bahkan hampir setiap hari kita melakukannya.






Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Nice to meet you

Good to meet you

Pleased to meet you

Happy to meet you

Glad to meet you



Good morning too

Good afternoon too

Good evening too

Nice to meet you too

Good to meet you too

Pleased to meet you too

Happy to meet you too

Glad to meet you too


 Good morning               (Selamat Pagi)

Good afternoon             (Selamat Siang/ Sore)

Good evening                 (Selamat Malam)

Nice to meet you            (Senang berjumpa denganmu)

Good to meet you           (Senang berjumpa denganmu)

Pleased to meet you       (Senang berjumpa denganmu)

Happy to meet you        (Senang berjumpa denganmu)

Glad to meet you           (Senang berjumpa denganmu)


Asking someone's condition (Menanyakan keadaan seseorang) Responses
Good Condition Bad Condition
How are you? I'm fine I'm not fine
How are you doing? I'm good I'm not good
How is your life? I'm well I'm not well
How is everything with you? I'm not so bad I'm bad

I'm pretty well I'm not pretty well


Practice the Dialogue!

Rezki : Hello, Good morning

Fadil  : Hello, good morning too.

Rezki : What’s your name?

Fadil  : My name’s Fadil. And you?

Rezki : I’am rezki

Fadil  : Glad to meet you Rezki

Rezki : Glad to meet you too Fadil



1. Badu : Good morning, Ari.

    Ari    : …………..……., Badu


2. Tini   : Hello, Rani

    Rani  : …..……., Tini


3. Mr. Dani     : Good afternoon, my students

    Students     : ………………., Sir.


4. Heru            : ………………., Hermon

    Hermon      : fine, thanks


5. Andi  : ……………………, Ari

     Ari    : Nice to meet you, Andi



Rearrange the sentences into good dialogs then practice them in pairs!

1. A: I am Fadlan. Nice to meet you

    A: Hello, What is your name?

    B: Nice to meet you too Fadlan

    B: My name’s Anisa. And you?


2. A: I’m well too. Thanks

    A: Hi, Good Morning

    A: How are you?

    B: Hello, Good morning too

    B: I’m well. What about you?


Note (Catatan):

Note (Catatan):

·     Good morning diucapkan antara pukul 00. 00 – 12. 00 (A.M)

·     Good afternoon diucapkan antara pukul 12. 00 – 18. 00 (P.M)

·     Good evening diucapkan antara pukul 18.00- menjelang tidur (P.M)

·     Good night diucapkan saat berpisah pada malam hari atau akan tidur


a.m.: Ante Meridian (00.00-12.00)

p.m.: Post Meridian (12.00-24.00)


1.  You meet your teacher at 08.00 a.m. How do you greet him/her?

2.  You meet your friends at 07.30 p.m. How do you greet each other?

3.  You meet your uncle in the post office at 10.00 a.m. How do you greet him?

4.  You meet Mis. Susi at 03.00 p.m. How do you greet her? 

5. You meet Mr. Nizaf in the Mosque at 08.00 p.m. How do you greet him?



Choose the best answer!

 1.      Rudi       : Good morning, Via.

  Via         : “.................”

A.   Good night too

B.    Good morning too

C.    Good evening too

D.   Good afternoon too


2.    Alda       : How are you?

Ghea      : “..............”

A.   Hello

B.    My name

C.    I am fine

D.   Nice to meet you


3.    Rini        : Nice to meet you.

Anggi     : “..............”

A.   Good morning

B.    How are you?

C.    How do you do!

D.   Nice to meet you too


4.    Suci       : How do you do?

Beni       : “.............”

A.   How do you do!

B.    How are you?

C.    Glad to meet you too

D.   Good evening


5.     Which one is not a greeting expression?

A.   Hi!

B.    Good bye!

C.    Good morning.

D.   Good afternoon


6.    What will you say when you meet your teacher at school gate in the morning?

A.   Good morning, Sir!

B.    Good day, Sir!

C.    Good afternoon, Sir!

D.   Good evening, Sir!


7.     Dion      : Hi. How do you do?

Joni       : Hello, How do you do!

Dion      : I am happy to meet you

Joni       : “...........”

A.   How do you do!

B.    How are you?

C.    Happy to meet you too

D.   I am fine


8. Sari        : “.......”

    Roni       : Good afternoon, too.

A.   Good day

B.    Good morning

C.    Good evening

D.   Good afternoon


9.  You meet your teacher at 07.00 a.m. How do you greet him/her?

A.   Good morning

B.    Good day

C.    Good afternoon

D.   Good evening


10.  You meet your friend at 08.00 p.m. How do you greet him/her?

A.   Good morning

B.    Good day

C.    Good afternoon

D.   Good evening




1. Look at the picture.

The correct greeting based on the picture is ….

    A. Good afternoon 

    B. Good morning  

    C. Good evening

    D. Good night


2. When we meet someone at 08.00 p.m., we greet her/him by saying …

    A. Good night

    B. Good evening

    C. Good morning

    D. Good afternoon


3. Zahra   : I’m Zahra. How do you do?

    Fitri       : …. I’m Fitri.

    A. Are you ok?

    B. How are you?

    C. How do you do.

    D. I am fine.


4. Zaid meet his English teacher, Miss Aisyah. He ask her condition.

    Zaid                 : Good afternoon, Ma’am

    Miss Aisyah     : Good afternoon Zaid

    Zaid                 : …

    Miss Aisyah     : I am good, thanks

    A. Hello

    B. How do you do

    C. Hi

    D. How’s your life?


5. Look at the picture.

The correct greeting based on the picture is …

    A. Good evening

    B. Good day

    C. Good morning

    D. Good afternoon


Tes Kosakata Bahasa Inggris

TES KOSAKATA BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA MTs RAMBATAN   Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Bahasa sebagai sarana berkomunikasi sangat penting peranannya dalam ...