Sunday, July 25, 2021


 Watch the following video!

Expressing gratitude adalah sesuatu yang sangat penting, karena ini menunjukkan sebuah penghargaan atau apresiasi kepada orang lain yang telah melakukan sesuatu untuk kita atau membantu kita.


Expressing Gratitude


·    Thank you.

·    Thanks.

·    Thank you very much.

·    Thanks a lot

·    That’s all right.

·    My pleasure.

·    You are welcome.

·    No problem.

·    Don’t mention it.


Practice the dialog!

Mother : Rudi, can you help me to bring this sugar?

Rudi     : Of course, Mom.

Mother : Thank you, dear.

Rudi     : You’re welcome.



1.     Cindy    : Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Bodrex", please? It's on the table.

Tiny       : Here it is.

Cindy    : ….


The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …

A. Thank you very much

B. Sorry

C. Don’t mention it.

D. You are welcome


2.     Nina      : Thanks for coming.

Rani      : ….


A. I’m sorry

B. Pardon me

C. You are welcome

D. Forget it.

3.     Lisa       : Devi, may I borrow your shoes?

Devi       : Sure. Here you are.

Lisa       : …

Devi       : You are welcome.


A. Sorry

B. It’s up to you

C. Thank you

D. Okay


4.     Look at the picture


It is the expression of …

A. Apologizing

B. Leave taking        

C. Gratitude

D. Greeting


5.     Teacher : Ivan, here is your book.

Ivan       : …., Sir


A. Thank you very much

B. Never mind

C. My pleasure

D. You are welcome



Read the text!

Father is on his way to a stall. A man comes to him. He wants to go to Mr. Daniel’s house. He doesn’t know where it is.

The man     : Excuse me. Do you know where Mr. Daniel’s house is?

Father         : Of course. It is in front of the fruit stall.

The man     : Oh, I see. Thank you.

Father         : You’re welcome.



1.     Where is father?

2.     What does the man want for?

3.     Does the man know Mr. Daniel’s house?

4.     Where is Mr. Daniel’s house? 

5.  What does father respond about the man express?



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Tes Kosakata Bahasa Inggris

TES KOSAKATA BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA MTs RAMBATAN   Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb. Bahasa sebagai sarana berkomunikasi sangat penting peranannya dalam ...