Friday, August 27, 2021



Teks Prosedur adalah teks yang berisi prosedur, proses, cara, atau langkah-langkah dalam membuat / melakukan (mengoperasikan) sesuatu.


Ciri-ciri Procedure Text:

1. Struktur umumnya

(generic structure) terdiri dari:

a)  Goal/ Aim: tujuan dan maksud isi teks. Contoh: How to make sandwich...

b) Material/ Ingredients / Tools: bahan atau alat-alat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat/melakukan sesuatu. Contoh: The materials are as follows: 1. Two slides of bread, 2. fried-egg, strawberry jam, chocolate sprinkles, ....

c) Steps/ Methods/ Procedures: langkah-langkah atau prosedur dalam melakukan/ membuat sesuatu. Contoh: First, take two slides of bread and ...

2. Grammatical features umumnya tenses “simple present”

3. Sering memakai kalimat Perintah (imperatives/orders). Contoh: Turn on the lamp, Put the rice into the rice cooker, Don’t forget to press the ‘on’ button.

4.  Kata-kata urutan (sequences). Contoh: first, second, then, next, the last, finally





How To Make Ice Lemon Tea


  • 1 bag of Teabag
  • 2 pieces of Lemon Orange
  • 2 tsp of sugar
  • 6 Ice Cubes
  • 50 ml of hot water
  • 150 ml of cold water


  1. Brewed Tea bag in 50 ml of hot water.
  2. Add sugar, and then stir until evenly distributed.
  3. Squeeze the lemon. Then, pour lemon juice into the tea.
  4. Add ice cubes and add 150 ml of cold water.
  5. Stir until the lemon juice mixes with the tea.
  6. Add lemon slices as decoration.
  7. Ice Lemon Tea is ready to be served.


Cara Membuat Ice Lemon Tea


  • 1 kantong teh celup
  • 2 buah jeruk lemon
  • 2 sdt gula
  • 6 Es Batu
  • 50 ml air panas
  • 150 ml air dingin

 Langkah – langkah:

  1. Seduh teh celup ke dalam air panas sekitar 50 ml.
  2. Kemudian tambah gula, dan aduk sampai rata.
  3. Peras lemon. Kemudian, tuangkan perasan lemon ke dalam minuman teh.
  4. Lalu kalian tambah es batu dan juga 150 ml air dingin.
  5. Aduk hingga perasan lemon tercampur dengan minuman teh.
  6. Tambahkan irisan lemon untuk hiasan.
  7. Ice Lemon Tea sudah siap untuk disajikan.



How to Make Fried Rice


  • 1 stick of Leeks
  • 2 plate of White rice
  • 2 cloves of Garlic
  • 3 Eggs
  • 3 cloves of Onions
  • Cooking oil
  • Tomato sauce
  • An enough Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cayenne chili
  • Add some complementary material which are chicken, sausage, meatballs, and shrimp

 How to make:

  1. Prepare a frying pan and pour the cooking oil according to your taste.
  2. Heat by using a medium flame.
  3. After the oil is hot, put the onion, garlic, and chili.
  4. Stir all the materials until fragrant and ripe.
  5. Put the supplementary materials according to your taste.
  6. Stir until evenly cooked.
  7. Put the eggs and scrambled until cooked.
  8. Put the white rice and stir until mixed with all the ingredients.
  9. Add tomato sauce, salt, pepper until all those materials are blended.
  10. If you have smelt a fragrant and your fried rice has already cooked, you have to serve on a plate.
  11. In order to make the fried rice looks interesting, you should decorate with the sliced tomatoes and other additional materials as you like.
  12. Ready to serve.



Cara Membuat Nasi Goreng


  • 1 batang daun bawang
  • 2 piring nasi putih
  • 2 siung Bawang Putih
  • 3 telur
  • 3 siung Bawang
  • Minyak goreng
  • Saos tomat
  • Garam yang cukup
  • Lada
  • Cabe rawit
  • Tambahkan beberapa bahan pelengkap yaitu ayam, sosis, bakso, dan udang

 Cara membuat:

  1. Siapkan wajan dan tuangkan minyak goreng sesuai selera kalian.
  2. Panaskan dengan memakai api sedang.
  3. Setelah minyak panas, masukkan bawang, bawang putih, dan juga cabai.
  4. Aduk seluruh bahan hingga harum serta matang.
  5. Masukkan bahan pelengkap sesuai dengan selera kalian.
  6. Aduk hingga merata.
  7. Taruh telur serta aduk sampai matang.
  8. Masukkan nasi putih serta aduk hingga tercampur dengan seluruh bahan.
  9. Tambahkan saus tomat, garam, merica hingga seluruh bahan tercampur rata.
  10. Apabila kalian telah mencium wangi serta nasi goreng kalian telah matang, kalian dapat menyajikannya di atas piring.
  11. Supaya nasi goreng terlihat menarik, kalian juga dapat menghiasnya dengan irisan tomat serta tambahan bahan lainnya yang kalian suka.
  12. Siap untuk dihidangkan.



 How To Use Camera

 You need :

  • A digital camera (DSLR camera or pocket camera or the others camera that you have)
  • The object (find something that interesting to you like animals, buildings or the others)


Steps :

  • Handle the camera and turn on it
  • Center the object in the lcd and manage the zoom control untill you get the best view
  • When you are ready to take the picture, hold the shutter speed, and various other calculations.
  • Then, a light should appear that let you know the camera is set to go.
  • After that, press shutter all the way down.



Cara Menggunakan Kamera

Kalian memerlukan:

  • Kamera digital (kamera DSLR atau kamera saku atau kamera lain yang kalian punya)
  • Objek (temukan sesuatu yang menarik bagi kalian seperti binatang, bangunan atau yang lain)



  1. Pegang kamera lalu hidupkan.
  2. Pusatkan objek dalam lcd serta kelola kontrol zoom sampai kalian memperoleh tampilan yang terbaik.
  3. Ketika kalian siap untuk mengambil gambar, tahan kecepatan rana, dan juga berbagai perhitungan lainnya.
  4. Lalu, lampu akan muncul yang memberi tahu kalian jika kamera telah diatur untuk digunakan.
  5. Setelah itu, tekan rana sepenuhnya.



How to Make Pencil Box


  • Box
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Paint maker

 The Procedure to make a Pencil box

  1. Find a box.
  2. Peel off any labels.
  3. Cut new labels from clean sheets of construction paper. Glue them on your box using a glue stick.
  4. Use decorative papers, stickers, paint markers, or hand-drawn drawn designs to embellish your box.
  5. Fill the box and you’re done!



Cara Membuat Kotak Pensil


  • Kotak
  • Gunting
  • Lem
  • Alat lukis

 Cara membuat:

  1. Cari kotak bekas yang diperlukan.
  2. Bersihkan dari setiap tulisan atau label.
  3. Potong label baru dari lembaran kertas yang sudah bersih. Lem label tersebut memakai lem stik dengan kuat.
  4. Manfaatkan kertas hias, stiker, spidol cat, maupun gambar yang dibuat sendiri untuk menghiasi kotak pensil.
  5. Isi kotaknya dan sudah selesai!




 1.      What is the third step if we want to create a new folder?

a. Place the pointer on Window Explorer and click

b. Move the pointer to new

c. Place the pointer on program

d. Move the pointer to My document and double click on it


2.      “Click start, usually located on…..” The underlined word means…..

a. It is never be done

b. We seldom do the things

c. It is most rarely or sometimes

d. It is most often or most normal


 3.      How many bananas do we need to make banana milkshake?
  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

 4.      What is the purpose of the text above?

  1. to show how to make banana milkshake
  2. to inform about banana milkshake
  3. to tell us about banana milkshake
  4. to describe banana milkshake

 5.      “Finally, serve it using a glass or mug” The underlined word refers to….

  1. ice cream
  2. sugar
  3. milk
  4. banana milkshake


6.      The purpose of writing the text is....

        a. To tell how to the plant produce fruit

        b. To tell the steps how to plant oranges

        c. To inform how the oranges grows

        d. to describe the orange plants


7.      What should we do before planting the grow seeds?

a. Let the seeds grows in the seed bed 

b. Put some fertilizer in the holes 

c. Prepare the holes

d. Select the seed


8.      From the text we know that....

        a. We have to prepare hole more than 50 cm to plant oranges

        b. We do not need to select the seeds

        c. We need to fertilize once in four month

        d. We let seeds grow in the holes first


9.      The words below have the similar meaning with fertilizer, except....

        a. Manure

        b. Compost

        c. Stimulant

        d. Soil

10.  What is the purpose of the text above?

  1. To entertain the reader
  2. To tell how to make peanut crunch
  3. To describe the peanut crunch
  4. To inform what happen to peanut crunch

 11.  What should we do to make the sugar dissolve in the water?

  1. Stir slowly over a low heat
  2. Add peanut to boilling sugar
  3. Remove the pan from the heat
  4. Place it in saucepan

 12.  How many kinds of materials do we need to make Peanut Crunch?

  1. four
  2. five
  3. six 
  4. sevent

 13.  Add peanut increase the heat and allow to boild..(step 3)

       The opposite of the underline words is . . . .
  1. dissolve
  2. appear
  3. dicrease
  4. melt


14. What does the writer write the text for?

a. To inform how to serve a salad.

b. To explain how to make a salad.

c. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab.

d. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb.

 15. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab?

a. Three

b. Four

c. Five

d. Six

 16. What does the word ‘them’ in step 2 refer to?

a. Cubes of lamb and onions.

b. Onion, bamboo skewers, and salad.

c. Squares of green pepper and onions.

d. Cubes of lamb, onions, and squares of green pepper.


17.  How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?

a. 250 cc

b. 50 gram

c. 1 spoon

d. 10 gram

 18. What should we do after stirring the porridge?

  1. put the instant porridge into a bowl
  2. add soya sauce and chili sauce
  3. add crackers and meat floss
  4. wait for about 3 minutes

 19. “…until the porridge thickened”. What is the meaning of the underlined word?

  1. to become solid
  2. to get weak
  3. to raise the volume
  4. to become powder


20. Why do we use peppermint to repel mice? Because….

a.    peppermint is fresh to breathe

b.   mice love the peppermint

c.    mice will die of breathing mint

d.   mice hate the smell of peppermint

 21. From the text above, we can conclude that…..

a.    mice spread severe diseases through feces

b.   peppermint is useful to repel mice

c.    mice love peppermint

d.   we can place oil everywhere to repel mice

 22. “Put them behind shelves…” The word “them” refers to….

a.    pets

b.   peppermint

c.    cotton balls

d.   peppermint oil


23. From the text we know that the last thing to do to stop nose bleeding is….

a.    see a doctor for professional help

b.   change the cotton pad in the nostrils

c.    lay down on the floor to stop bleeding

d.   keep on squeezing the bleeding nostril

 24. From the text we are suggested that we should…..

a.    not lean backward when have nose bleeding

b.   call a doctor immediately in a case of nose bleeding

c.    squeeze your nose until it stops bleeding

d.   never put a cotton pad in a bleeding nostril

 25. “…until it stops bleeding.” The underlined word refers to…

a.    head

b.   cloth

c.    nose

d.   cotton


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